Red Rock Geology - Keystone Thrust w/ Dr. Allan Krill


View an excerpt from the event:

Dr. Allan Krill (Ph.D. Yale 1980) is offering a lecture and a one-day field trip for the Yale Club. No matter what you do or don’t know about geology, these events will be interesting and informative. They will help you to enjoy and understand the rocks better when you take future hikes in the Las Vegas area.

Deserts are ideal for observing and learning about rocks and geology. There is little soil and vegetation, and the rock layers readily display their colors, textures, and geological history. The desert mountains and valleys of Las Vegas are ideally situated between the Grand Canyon and Death Valley, two of geology’s world-class “textbooks.” And in many ways, the local Las Vegas geology is even better.

Part 1: April 10, 2016  – Private Lecture for Yalies at Boardroom of Sahara West Library (9600 W. Sahara Ave.) from 2:00 to 3:30pm

Part 2: April 24, 2016 at 9am.

Dr. Allan Krill (Ph.D. Yale 1980) has been a professor of geology at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway since 1988. For each of the past four years he has brought about 25 NTNU master students over to the US, for a geological field trip during their spring break. The itinerary includes the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, and Death Valley. The trip has been led mostly by local expert, Professor Steve Rowland from UNLV. At present, Allan is spending an academic year ‘on sabbatical’ here in Las Vegas, hiking and studying the local geology.

Part 2: April 24. Time to be determined during the lecture with attendees. Most likely will be in the morning.

The field trip will be just east of town, starting at the “Great Unconformity” at the base of Frenchman Mountain, and progressing eastward into Rainbow Gardens. Here you can get a look at some of the things we will see and discuss:

This event is a free event to Yalies and students. Donations of any amount are welcome to defray the cost event room rental.