Please contact us and tell us how we can better serve the Yale community in Nevada. We’re eager to get you involved in creating an active Yale Club of Nevada.
If you have any questions or would like to make a suggestion, please contact the email addresses below. Please insert the appropriate @ and dot for the email addresses. The information below is purposely written in a matter so automatic webcrawlers can not send mass emails.
Cynthia Mun – ccmun [at]
General Yale Club of NV Inquiries: YaleclubNV [at] gmail [dot] com
Please join us on FACEBOOK – Yale Club of NV group page for most recent photos, events, and announcements:
As a communication vehicle, we use email and Facebook posts. Please make sure that we have your email address or join Facebook for event updates.
Yale Club of NV Meetup
Most of our events are open to the public and posted on Meetup. You can RSVP on the Meetup site: